How to download Google map for offline use

Step 1: Download a map to use offline.

  1. On your phone, open the Google Maps app Maps.
  2. Search for a place.
  3. Tap your profile picture or initial Account Circle and then Offline maps.

4. Tap the Download to download the map.

Step 2: Check your offline map by tap on your profile icon and tap on offline map.

Step 3: Use offline maps

After you download an area, use the Google Maps app just like you normally would. If your internet connection is slow or absent, your offline maps will guide you to your destination as long as the entire route is within the offline map.

How to control PowerPoint slide show speed?

In PowerPoint, you can control the speed of your slideshow presentation in a few different ways:

Manual Control during Presentation: During your slideshow, you can manually control the pace by clicking your mouse, pressing the spacebar, or using the arrow keys on your keyboard to advance to the next slide. This method allows you to present at your preferred speed, pausing when necessary to elaborate on points or interact with your audience.

Set Slide Transition Timing: PowerPoint allows you to set specific timing for slide transitions. This means that each slide will automatically advance after a certain amount of time. Here’s how to set slide transition timing:

Select the slide you want to set the timing for.
Go to the “Transitions” tab on the PowerPoint ribbon.
In the Timing group, enter the desired time in the “After” box. This represents the number of seconds you want the slide to display before automatically advancing to the next one.
Repeat this process for each slide if you want them all to advance automatically.
Custom Animation: You can also control the timing of individual elements within a slide using custom animation. This allows you to reveal text, images, or other content on the slide in a sequential manner. Here’s how to apply custom animation:

Select the element you want to animate.
Go to the “Animations” tab on the PowerPoint ribbon.
Choose the desired animation effect from the list.
To control the timing, click on the “Animation Pane” button to open the Animation Pane.
In the Animation Pane, you can drag the animation effects up or down to change the order, and you can adjust the duration by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the animation effect and selecting “Timing.”
By using these methods, you can effectively control the speed of your PowerPoint slideshow presentation to match your preferences and the needs of your audience.

Camera settings for Photographing Abraham Lake bubbles

When photographing the bubbles trapped in the ice at Abraham Lake, several camera settings can help you capture stunning images. The key settings to consider include aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

Here’s a breakdown of each setting and its significance:

  1. Aperture: Select a narrow aperture (higher f-stop number) to ensure a deep depth of field. This will help keep both the bubbles close to the camera and the distant landscape in focus. An aperture around f/8 to f/16 is often suitable for landscape photography.
  2. Shutter Speed: The appropriate shutter speed depends on the lighting conditions and the effect you want to achieve. A faster shutter speed can freeze motion and help capture sharp details of the bubbles, especially if there’s wind causing movement. However, if you want to capture the movement of water or clouds, you might experiment with slower shutter speeds. Start with a shutter speed of around 1/125th of a second and adjust as needed.
  3. ISO: Keep the ISO as low as possible to maintain image quality and reduce noise. Start with a low ISO setting such as ISO 100 and increase it only if necessary to maintain proper exposure in low light conditions.
  4. Focus: Use manual focus to ensure that the bubbles and surrounding landscape are sharp. You can focus on the bubbles themselves or choose a focal point that includes both the bubbles and the distant landscape for a more comprehensive composition.
  5. White Balance: Consider adjusting the white balance settings based on the prevailing lighting conditions to ensure accurate color reproduction.
  6. Tripod: Since you might be using slower shutter speeds to capture the details, using a tripod is highly recommended to avoid camera shake and ensure sharp images.

Experiment with different combinations of these settings to achieve the desired effect and adapt to changing lighting conditions throughout the day. Additionally, bracketing exposures can help ensure you capture the scene optimally, especially if the lighting is challenging.