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多黎各旅游 Puerto Rico Tour


1.       要塞古堡Old San Juan

            圣克里斯多巴城堡    Castillo San Cristóbal 和莫罗要塞    El Morro 是两百多年��为了防御海上强敌所建的。如果只参观一座古堡门票$3,两座古堡的联票是$5,七天之内都有效。

    这里引用朋友(叶莎)的叙述:“西班牙的统治者为了抵御外来侵袭在这个重要的沿海城市建造了坚固的城堡城墙。如今保留下来的主要是Castillo San CristobalEl Morro两部分。城堡分布在沿海的东西两端,就像两个坚不可摧的将士守卫着老城。登高城堡,放眼望去,浩瀚无际的大海在蔚蓝的天空下波光粼粼,圣胡安老城尽收眼底,一览无余。置身在坚固的古堡中,眼前斑驳沧桑的炮台,风化剥蚀�������灰墙和�������静肃穆的死亡将士墓地,无不让人感受到那��远的战火纷飞年代。”

    友情提示:在城里开车很难又慢,建议找一个停车场,一天大约$6. 顺路还能逛逛街,尝一些有本地特色的食品,沿途看些小景。摄影提示:城堡甚至住宿附近可以看到很多蜥蜴。大的有一米多长,而且不怕人。可以摆拍。

The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States, located in the northeastern Caribbean Sea. With beautiful beaches to natural rain forests, Puerto Rico offers amazing experiences abound in Puerto Rico, from beautiful beaches to natural rain forests.

1.       Castillo San Cristóbal

         The largest fort ever built by Spain in the New World, the imposing Castillo San Cristóbal was completed in 1785. It was intended to guard against a land invasion, so it was ingeniously designed according to a “defense in depth” model, which created numerous successive barriers for advancing enemy forces.

2.       Castillo San Felipe del Morro (“El Morro”)

         Morro is perhaps the most famous historic structure in Puerto Rico. Begun in 1539, the might fortress was built on a narrow point overlooking the San Juan Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. It served as a formidable stronghold, successfully repelling almost every naval attack on the city. Today, El Morro and its sister fort, Castillo San Cristóbal, are National Historic Sites and the oldest European constructions in the United States National Park Service.

2. 厄尔尼诺云雀国家森林公园 El Yunque National Rianforest-美国境内唯一一个热带雨林:物种繁多,瀑布重叠,很适合徒步。山上分别有两高塔,可以俯视全岛,眺望大海。如果时间充裕,可以一天登顶,一天看瀑布。
3. 荧光海湾 Bio Bay tour
Bio Bay全称Bioluminescent Bay,顾名思义,是“生物发光”的海湾。因为水体里含有一种能够发光的微生物。据说就像《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》里梦幻神奇的荧光海滩,要看到奇妙的荧光要靠天时地利,就看运气了。 我虽然带了防水相机,但是因为要用手划才能看到光,所以无功而返。尽量选新月和残月的晚上去。当地网站有月历,会把好的观赏日期列出来。荧光海湾在波多黎各有三处分:SouthWest的La Parguera, Vieques岛的Mosquito Bay,以及Fajardo的La Laguna Grande.因为Mosquito Bay要上Vieques岛过夜,游客们多选择其中位于Fajardo的荧光海。La Laguna Grande bio kayaking 大约$50 到$100不等.

3.     EI Yungue Rain Forests

         Puerto Rico's rain forest is the only subtropical rainforest in the U.S. National Forest Service, a place so indescribable that it must be seen, heard and felt. It’s one of our must-visit destinations. There are many hiking trails and the Yokahu tower is a great spot to see the forest from above. There are also two trails that lead you straight down to La Mina waterfalls. You can swim at the bottom of the falls in the cold refreshing water. There are short hiking trails and long hiking trails and they do overlap.


4. Bioluminescent bays

         Bioluminescence exists around the world, but there are only a few bio bays on our planet.  Puerto Rico has three of them, a kayak or boat-ride away from our shores, they must be seen to be appreciated. The bio bays near Fajardo and in Vieques are an experience that should not be missed.


4. 库莱布拉岛Culebra
主要旅游点是两个地方:Flamengo Beach白沙滩(据说 Flamenco Beach是世界上最美的海滩之一)和Tamarindo Beach浮潜。坐轮渡很便宜,但一票难求。9点开船,7点钟排队就已经人山人海。也可以乘飞机或者water taxi,相对比较贵。去Culebra岛的轮渡船票可以直接买往返,往返$4.5。

Fajardo to Culebra (7 days/week & holidays):9:00am / 3:00pm / 7:00pm
Culebra to Fajardo (7 days/week & holidays):6:30am / 1:00pm / 5:00pm

5. 逛老城区 Old San Juan
沿途可见很多可爱的五颜六色的小房子了,像水粉画一样!如果有时间可以去以下景点:(1)圣胡安包蒂斯塔大教堂 Catedral de San Juan。 这个天主教堂面对那条路可以一直下到圣胡安门。过去从西班牙来的要员驾到,都要从城门进入,一直上行到这个教堂,来感谢上帝保佑。 (2) 福塔莱萨 La Fortaleza。 这里是波多黎各总督府,在古城一条主要商业街的尽头。
5. Old San Juan
Stepping into Old San Juan’s blue cobblestone streets will feel like stepping out of a time machine. Once the crown jewel of the Spanish Empire in the Americas, the walled city still preserves its stunning colonial architecture, ranging from imposing fortresses to brightly colored buildings, many of which have been declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

6. La Fortaleza
Completed in 1540, La Fortaleza (“The Fortress”) was one of the city’s earliest defenses against attack. In 1846, it became the official governor’s residence.
6. 阿雷西沃望远镜 Observatorio de arecibo
阿雷西沃望远镜建在波多黎各的群山密林里,300英尺高的铁塔上的粗壮钢索吊起一排排天线,下面是一个直径1000英尺(305 米)的“铝锅”,象一只硕大无比的眼睛瞪着太空。它就是世界上最大的单碟射电望远镜—阿雷西沃望远镜。电影007 曾在此取景。友情提示:4点关门,最后一个tour 4:10 PM.

7. 坎维洞穴公园 Parque de las Cavernas del Rio camuy (Rio camuy caves)
Rio Camuy溶洞位于波多黎各的西北部,离san juan约60英里。这里的溶洞号称世界第三大地下河溶洞,位于热带雨林中,有着独特的自然风貌,主要景点是一个直径约七十米,高达六十多米的宏大的地下大厅。与国内的溶洞相比,这里的溶洞没有那么fancy的灯光,比较原始和自然。游客可以在底下的峡谷中穿行,一直到600英尺深的地下,这里还有可能看到地下暗河。

8. 百加得酒厂 Bacardi Distillery Entry
7. San José Church:
Built in 1532, the San José Church is one of the few remaining examples of 16th century Spanish Gothic architecture in the Western Hemisphere. To aid with its restoration, it was added to the National Historic Fund’s list of America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places.

8. The Arecibo Observatory
Puerto Rico houses the world's largest single-dish radio telescope, spanning almost 20 acres. It’s the only radio telescope that can accurately predict when and where an asteroid might collide with Earth, and was responsible for the first asteroid images in history.

1. 签证: Puerto Rico是美属自治岛,所以就像到美国境内的其他州一样,不需要办理任何签证手续。

2. 货币:Puerto Rico的流通货币是美元,大部分景点都可以刷卡的。

3. 天气:波多黎各这个地方是属于热带雨林那种气候,这里全年的气候都是比较温和的,气温在22~30摄氏度。

4. 机票:到波多黎各机票因季节而不同,因为属于美国领地,机票还是比较便宜的。我们从芝加哥出发,12/25/2016到12/30/2016,往返机票$400一人。

5. 住宿:住宿有很多选择。我们是在airbnb 找到私人出租房,两房一厅带厨房,空调,冰箱,厕所,冷热水,炉头,WiFi,电视,停车位,5天$370.离海边步行只有5 分钟。

6. 手机和GPS:手机和GPS都能用。���情提示:有些地址不恨清楚,一般输入名字或者经纬度较精确。

7. 租车:在机场租车和其他地方租���价钱差别很大。我们是在机场租车图个方便。友情提示:有些公司报价与实际收费不一致。报价时要问有无其他附加费。
9. The Camuy River Cave Park
The Camuy River Cave is a cave system in Puerto Rico. It is located between the municipalities of Camuy, Hatillo and Lares in northwestern Puerto Rico, but the main entrance to the park is located in Quebrada, Camuy. The caverns are part of a large network of natural limestone caves and underground waterways carved out by the third-largest underground river in the world, the Río Camuy (Camuy River).

10. Bacardi
More than 70% of the rum sold in the U.S. comes from Puerto Rico; sample our favorite local brands and enjoy a tour of our rum distilleries.

Travel Information
1. Spanish and English are the official languages. Most Puerto Ricans speak English.
2. The United States dollar is the official currency.
3. United States Citizens don’t need a passport to enter the island.
摄影提示:1. 波多黎各天气变化很快,时有阵雨,时常能看到彩虹。2. 波多黎各四面环海,有云彩做背景,以大海,海湾,椰树做前景,是拍日出晚霞的好地方。  

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