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Troubleshooting Download Issues on Android Devices - Resolution with screenshots

If your Android device has an issue to download from Market, please check these troubleshooting tips.

1. Make sure you have wireless or cellular network connections. For troubleshooting, refer to this page: Troubleshoot wireless connection on Android phone.
2. If you use wireless connection, make sure there is not web filter to block the download.
3. Make sure the device is supported for use with Android Market.
4. Reset the device and try to download again.
5. For paid applications, confirm your credit card information is up to date by signing in to your Google Wallet account.
6. Cancel and restart the download.
7. Make sure you can login Google Talk successfully. Please refer to this post: How to login Talk on Android devices
8. Try to clear the cache and data of both the Market app and the Download manager. Refer to this post: Clear cache on Android devices
9.If you connect to PC using USB using Disk drive, you may not be able to download to CD card.


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