Girl Scout Cookie Division
Remainders Word Problems 5
Version 4



Jessica sold 56 boxes of Samoas. How many cases of 12 boxes, plus extra boxes does Jessica need?

56 boxes of cookies divided by 12 boxes per case = 4 cases and 8 boxes of Samoas

If Madison sold 68 boxes of Thin Mints, how many cases of 12 boxes does Madison pickup from the cookie mom?

68 boxes of cookies divided by 12 boxes per case = 5 cases and 8 boxes of Thin Mints

Ruth sold 128 boxes of Tagalongs. How many cases of 12 boxes, plus extra boxes does Ruth need?

128 boxes of cookies divided by 12 boxes per case = 10 cases and 8 boxes of Tagalongs

If Sydney sold 91 boxes of Samoas, how many cases of 12 boxes does Sydney pickup from the cookie mom?

91 boxes of cookies divided by 12 boxes per case = 7 cases and 7 boxes of Samoas

If Jessica sold 126 boxes of Samoas, how many cases of 12 boxes does Jessica pickup from the cookie mom?

126 boxes of cookies divided by 12 boxes per case = 10 cases and 6 boxes of Samoas