Division Word Problems Four
Version 4



Carl has 192 Skittles stored in boxes. If the are 12 boxes, how many Skittles must go in each box?

192 Skittles / 12 boxes = 16 Skittles

There are 10 students in the class and 80 bananas. If the bananas are divided equally among the students, how many does each student get?

80 bananas / 10 students = 8 bananas

The school is planning a field trip. There are 1232 students and 44 seats on each school bus. How many buses are needed to take the trip?

1232 students / 44 seats = 28 buses

Lisa wants to split a collection of cards into groups of 13. Lisa has 65 cards. How many groups will be created?

65 cards / 13 cards = 5 groups

Frank has 28 apples stored in boxes. If the are 14 boxes, how many apples must go in each box?

28 apples / 14 boxes = 2 apples