Division Word Problems Four
Version 2



Steven has 3045 tickets. If he shares them among 35 friends, how many tickets does each friend get?

3045 tickets / 35 friends = 87 tickets

Shawn wants to split a collection of oranges into groups of 69. Shawn has 5865 oranges. How many groups will be created?

5865 oranges / 69 oranges = 85 groups

There are 1105 tickets in Lawrence's ticket collection. If the tickets are organized into 13 groups, how big is each group?

1105 tickets / 13 groups = 85 tickets

Steve is inviting 96 friends to a party. He has 5280 cookies. How many cookies will each friend get?

5280 cookies / 96 friends = 55 cookies

There are 3763 bottle caps in Peter's bottle cap collection. If the bottle caps are organized into 71 groups, how big is each group?

3763 bottle caps / 71 groups = 53 bottle caps